
Sussex Researcher School

Awards made from the RLI Fund


Autumn 2023
  • Jinjin Wang (Engineering and Informatics) - Drusillas Park Day Out: Refresh and Connect for Parent PhD Students
  • Mercy Mhindurwa (Business School) - Business School Cake Club
  • Tiffany Murphy (MAH) - Close to My Heart: PhD perspectives
  • Caroline Ackley (BSMS) - Intersecting Stigmas: addressing stigma through public engagement
  • Ioannis Papadakis (Business School) - Reading Group
  • Kat Addis (MAH) - Turn Your Thesis Into a Book: Storytelling Techniques from A Screenwriter
  • Kiersten Simmons (BSMS) - Improving Access to Women's Healthcare Research and Services in Under-resourced Coastal Communities in the UK
  • Nick Souter (Psychology) - WORKSHOP: How to reduce the carbon footprint of your research computing
  • Mia Cheng (Business School) - Wellbeing Research at Sussex, Second Edition
  • Phoebe Gray (Psychology) - Mind and Movement: sharing psychological research on fitness and wellbeing with the local community
  • Fezile Sibanda (ESW) - Who is Sussex for? An exploration of belonging within our university community
  • Carla Douglas González (Business School) - Doctoral Connections: Building Bonds Beyond Research
  • Jo Renaut (Life Sciences) - Programming: From Beginner to Machine Learning Coding Club
  • Aram Simonyan (LPS) - Project Management techniques for overcoming procrastination and perfectionism
Autumn 2022
  • Ramona Saraoru (ESW) - Great knowledge, good vibes, true belonging
  • Carla Douglas Gonzalez (Business School) - 100 Words PhD Story
  • Alex Fusco (Global Studies) - Sounding the Camp
  • Saba Karim Khan (Global Studies) - Podcast the Gender Norms in South Asian storytelling
  • Karen Patterson (BSMS) - Academic Networking in the 21st Century that works wll and feels right
  • Elif Demirbas (LPS) - One Day PGR & ECR Conference:  Violence, Identity and Borders
  • Marianela Barrios Aquino (Global Studies) - Write your Journal Article in 12 Weeks
  • Emanuela Stagno (Business School) - Wellbeing Research at Sussex
  • Marianne Glascott (Life Sciences) - Coding Club
  • Amy Lynch & Jo Williams (ESW) - Guided writing workshop for doctoral reseachers
  • Chia-Yu Liang (Global Studies) - How we Learn to Live with Worries over and Experiences of War: Support-Learning Group Sessions for Students from War-Torn or War-Threatened Regions
  • Harry Lewis/Samwel Grima (Psychology) - Work-in-PGRess

 Spring 2022

  • Sean Moore (MPS) - MPS PGR Student led Conference 2022
  • Jilan Wei (MAH) - 
Autumn 2021
  • Hanna Randall (MAH) -
  • Merve Arslan (MAH) - Researchers' Nature Club
  • Jamie Chan (Psychology) -
  • Catherine Donaldson (Global Studies) -
  • Katharina Hendrickx (MAH) -
  • Alena Roth (MAH) - 'On the Use and Abuse of the Language of Evil Today: Contemporary Critical Perspectives', Philosophy & Literature conference
  • Kate Meakin, Manuela Salazar & Katharina Hendrickx (MAH) - PhD Creative Outlets (2021-22)
Academic year 2020/21
  • Jamie Chan (Psychology) -
  • Kate Meakin, Manuela Salazar & Katharina Hendrickx (MAH) - PhD Creative Outlets 
  • Catherine Donaldson (Global Studies) -
  • Gabriel Popham (Global Studies) - Portrait of a Man-Made Valley public engagement and photographic exhibition
  • Devyn Glass (Psychology), Louise Elali (MAH) & Aanchal Vij (MAH) -
  • Richard Thornton (Global Studies) - Feeling with Teaching: Making Pedagogy Personal video resources for doctoral tutors
  • Marusa Levstek (Psychology) -
Academic year 2019/20
  • Aanchal Vij (English) -
  • Andrea Brock (Global Studies) - deCOALonise Europe! Tracing the supply chain of coal and anti-coal resistance
  • Devyn Glass (Psychology), Louise Elali (MFM) & Aanchal Vij (English) -
  • Fabrizio Trovato, Hannah Wood & James van Yperen (MPS) - MPS One-Day PGR Conference
  • Julia Jackiewicz (MPS) -
  • Kamillia Kasbi (Life Sciences) - BAME Role Models in Science
  • Kate Meakin, Manuela Salazar & Katharina Hendrickx (MFM) - Media, Arts & Humanities PhD Creative Outlets
  • Saba Karim Khan (Global Studies) - Unsilencing Pakistan’s #metoo Survivors: A Delayed Coming Out
  • Violet Wei (English) - Chinese Acupressure Massage for Sedentary Researchers
Academic year 2018/19
  • Ali Kassem, Law, Politics and Sociology: Research/ing the Global South: Views from Beirut on Problematics, Challenges and Prospects
  • Daire Cantillon, BSMS: Sussex Sexual Health Research Network (SHARE) Inaugural Symposium
  • Frazer Coomber, Life Sciences: Mammal-Based Citizen Science Project Engagement
  • Jillienne Sellner, Media, Film and Music: 2 Day Symposium - The Discomfort of Praxis - Creative Practice Based Research
  • Johnbosco Nwogbo, History, Art History and Philosophy:  Through News Stories
  • Julia Winstone (Law, Politics and Sociology) & Abigail Rieley (History, Art History and Philosophy):  Thesis to Monograph
  • Katharina Hendrickx, Media, Film and Music: Female Reading Groups of Domestic Noir Novels and Local Library Collaboration
  • Madhushala Senaratne, Media, Film and Music: Interactive Exhibition
  • Sean Higgins, Education and Social Work: Enhancing Global Citizenship and Lifeskills Curriculum in the UK Through Sharing Insights on Promoting Peace and Social Justice in Sierra Leone
  • Veronica Wignall & Georgia Hennessy, Life Sciences:
  • Liza Weber, History, Art History and Philosophy: 
  • Natasha Maru, IDS: Training Workshop in Mobile and Affective Research Methods
Mental health and wellbeing RLIs 2019 (part of the U-DOC Project)
  • Claire Durrant, Education and Social Work: Monthly Video Call Support Groups for PhD students
  • Kate Meakin, Media, Film and Music:
  • Gemma Houldey, Global Studies:
  • Alexandra Kempton, English: Researching Difficult Data peer support group 
  • Karolina Szpyrko (Media, Film and Music), Thabani Mutambasere (Global Studies) & Abigail Rieley (History, Art History & Philosophy):
Spring 2018
  • Mark Bason, Mathematical and Physical Sciences: Career Development Forum - Navigating Academia
  • Smita Yadav, Global Studies: Conference - Global North-South Precarity: Search for Global Solidarity
  • Reese Wilkinson, Mathematical and Physical Sciences: MPS Early Careers PGR Conference
  • Eleanor Whitcroft, School of English: Graphic Brighton - Academic Comics Conference
Autumn 2017
  • Senaratne Madhushala, Media, Film and Music: Opportunities for research: Humanitarian narratives, representational strategies, and I/NGOs
  • Edward Briggs, Media, Film and Music: Creative and Critical Practice Symposium
  • Gizem Guney, Law, Politics & Sociology: Towards Gender Equality: Clashes in Law
  • Sara Balouch, BSMS: Non-Pharmacological Dementia Research Symposium
Spring 2017
  • Cecile Chevalier, Media, Film and Music: Forum for Immersive Augmented Reality Instruments
  • Jonny Lee, History, Art History & Philosophy: Computation and Representation in Cognitive Science – Enactivism, Ecological Psychology, and Cybernetics
  • Valerie Whittington, History, Art History & Philosophy: Jews and Quakers: on the borders of acceptability
Autumn 2016
  • Rebecca Harding, English: Failure Interdisciplinary Symposium
  • Fatma Karaoglu, Mathematical and Physical Sciences: Summer School on Finite Geometry
  • Katherine Kruger and Charlotte Terrell; English: 'Reading and its Objects' two day conference with seminar
  • Charlotte Rae, BSMS: Postdocs and Phd students In Neuroimaging at Sussex (POPINS) day
  • Fawzia Haeri Mazanderani, Education and Social Work: Be/com/ing academic
  • Leanne Harris, Life Sciences: Diversity of Career Pathways in Science symposium
  • Ronald Grau, Engineering and Infomatics: The Postdoctoral Network: Continuing Success
  • Manuel Alejandro Cruz Martínez, Education and Social Work: Researching Video Games: A medium for critical academia
Spring 2016
  • Allan Debelle; Life Sciences for 'Using Social Media in Academia' workshop
  • Eva Hillberg; Business, Management and Economics for 'Patient Activism and Digital Technology' workshop
  • Gemma Farrell; Media, Film and Music for 'Musedelica Symposium'
  • Joy Stacey; Media, Film and Music for 'MFM Doctoral Day'
  • Yeyang Su; Global Studies for 'Global Studies Thesis Writing Group'
  • Zahid Khalid; History, Art History & Philosophy for 'Environmental History of South Asia Workshop & Networking Event'
  • Robert Dunphy; History, Art History & Philosophy for 'Phenomenology, Science, and Consciousness: The Transcendental and the Naturalistic' Graduate Conference
  • Rachael Taylor; Business, Management and Economics for 'Contemporary Food Issues – Brighton and Sussex Universities Food Network Symposium' 
  • Smita Yadav; Global Studies: Pilgrimages: Ontologies, and Subjectivities in Neoliberal Economies
Summer 2015
  • Marie Rogers; Psychology for '5 Minute Thesis: Cognition in brains, animals and machines' (Symposium)
Spring 2015
  • Shanyn Altman; English for 'Literature and Philosophy' annual postgraduate conference (Centre for Early Modern and Medieval Studies)
  • Zoe Strimpel; History, Art History & Philosophy for 'Cupid's digital lives: gender, dating and the internet' - one-day workshop/conference
  • Rebecca Harding; English for 'The State of Fiction: Don DeLillo in the Twenty-First Century' interdisciplinary conference, and Colloquium Masterclass
  • Robert Dunphy; History, Art History & Philosophy for 'The Work of Phenomenology and the Work of Art - Graduate Conference in Phenomenology 2015'
Autumn 2015
  • Joe Watson; Media, Film and Music for ‘Doctoral colloquium as part of the International Conference on Live Interfaces
  • Jackson Nash; Media, Film and Music for ‘Critical Perspectives on ''The Transgender Tipping Point' - Half-day panel event with breakout discussion sessions.’
  • Chelsea Olsen and Laura Cofield; English & HAHP for ‘NGender 2016 - Activity 1: Feminist Film and Talk Series, Activity 2: Conference’
  • Nicolas Farina; Brighton & Sussex Medical School for ‘The Postdoctoral Network - a regular networking forum’
  • Paul Fisher Davies; English for ‘British Consortium of Comics Scholars: Graphic Scholarship Day’
  • Martin Jung; Life Science for ‘Interdisciplinary quantitative analysis group’
  • Sofia Kesidou; Business, Management and Economics for ‘21st SPRU Dphil Day’
  • Paul Gilbert; Global for ‘Workshop: 'Confronting Elite Anthropology: Collaboration, Hostility & Critique'
  • Lidia Cabral; Institute of Development Studies for ‘Rising Powers Young Researchers Network Conference’
Spring 2014
  • Edward Morrow; Life Sciences, and Dr Sarah Newbury, Brighton & Sussex Medical School, for 'Herstmonceux Retreat' - a multi-day workshop that provides a forum for diverse research groups to interact, build links and discuss research
  • Richard Elliott; MFM, for ''
  • Charlotte Morris; Law, Politics & Sociology, for 'Researching Sex and Intimacy in Contemporary Life: an interdisciplinary symposium'
  • Treena Warren; English, for 'Sights and Frights Conference' - a one-day interdisciplinary conference
  • Kourosh Kouchakpour; Education & Social Work for '7th Annual Doctoral Research Conference' - open to all Social Sciences doctoral researchers
  • Aanand Venkatramanan; Business, Management and Economics - Finance Group, for 'Young Finance Scholars' Conference and Quantitative Finance Workshop'
Autumn 2014
  • Michael Lawrence & Rachel Tavernor; Media, Film and Music for 'Global Humanitarianism and Media Culture' conference 
  • Michael Guida; Media, Film and Music for 'Media, Film and Music Doctoral Day'
  • Emma Doubt; History, Art History & Philosophy for 'Making a Home: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Domestic Interior'
  • Andrea Brock; Global Studies for 'Critical Perspectives on the Financialisation of Nature - Theory, Politics and Practice' - workshop
  • Nicola Plowman; Media, Film and Music for 'Symposium of British Consortium of Comics Scholars & Comics Tea Party'
  • Ruth Segal; Business, Management and Economics for 'Brighton and Sussex Universities Food Network Symposium: The Diversity of Food Research'
  • Ngender; Media, Film & Music/Global Studies for 'Ngender 2015'
  • Miguel Otaola; Law, Politics and Sociology for 'Democracy and Participation in Latin America' - conference
  • Daniel Hignell and Danny Bright; Media, Film and Music for 'Impact in Creative Practice' - symposium
  • Jack Miller; Business, Management and Economics for '21st SPRU Dphil Day: STI and (Un)certainty'
  • ESW Conference Committee; Education & Social Work for doctoral conference- open to all Schools & Departments
  • Sarah Newbury; Brighton & Sussex Medical School for South Coast RNA network and conference, bringing together research groups working in RNA Biology on the South Coast.
  • MFM Conference Committee; Media, Film & Music for annual MFM doctoral day- open to all Schools & Department
  • Jon Sward; Global Studies for 'Migration Researchers in the Field: A Doctoral Student Conference'.
  • Rose Holmes & Paul Weir; History, Art History and Philosophy for 'Civilians and War, 1914-1945', a one-day postgraduate conference.
  • Laura Joyce, Anneke Newman and Rachel Wood; Media, Film and Music for '' seminar series, film screening and panel discussion.
  • Cecile Chevalier; Media, Film and Music for '', symposium and exhibition.
  • Althea Rivas; Global Studies for 'Critical Debates With(in) Development: Power, Resilience and Change', a two-day conference.
  • Carina Westling; Media, Film and Music for '', an interdisciplinary conference. Interdisciplinary approaches to causality in engagement, immersion, and presence in performance and human-computer interaction.
  • Thomas Chambers, Sufyan Abid, and Titksha Shukla; Global Studies for 'South Asian Anthropologists Group (SAAG) Annual Conference'.
  • Rachael Durrant & Bex White; SPRU - School of Business, Management and Economics for 'Food and the Public Good', an symposium organised by the Brighton-Sussex Food Research Network (BSFRN)
  • Alexa Neale, History, Art History and Philosophy for 'The History Forum', a series of 15 workshops held over the winter
  • Khalid Ali; Brighton & Sussex Medical School for 'Women in art, science and research', a one-day conference celebrating the achievements of women in Sussex in science, art and research with a focus on an ageing environment and the interface between science and the arts.
  • Fidelma Hanrahan; Psychology for 'Creating theatre with young people on the margins', theatre performance and conference

Sussex Researcher School

E: researcher-school@sussex.ac.uk