
Division of General Counsel, Governance and Compliance

Frequently asked questions about Committees

Where do I find the composition of a Committee?

The composition of Committees is set out in the Organisation of the University.

My Chair cannot attend the meeting - can a deputy step in?

Unless special provision is made in a Committee's constitution, deputies are not normally allowed to stand in for occasional meetings, although in the event of illness or absence for a significant period deputies will be permitted by special arrangement with the Chair concerned.

What is the quorum for a Committee?

The quorum for the Standing Bodies (Senate, Court and Council) and for Examination Boards is set out in the Organisation of the University. For other Committees, the quorum may not be specified in the Terms of Reference but the Organisation of the University makes provision that, where no quorum is prescribed, the Senate Standing Orders should be used as guidance to Chairs of Committees. Therefore the guidance is that the quroum should be taken as a third of the membership.

If a Committee wants to vote on an issue what is the procedure?

Like the quorum above, the voting procedures may not be specified in the Terms of Reference and Committees should proceed in accordance with the Standing Orders of Senate. Voting is therefore by a simple majority of those members present and voting. The Chair has a second and casting vote in the event of a tied vote.

I want to add a document to Sussex Direct but I cannot see the upload documents tab. What do I do?

Only the named Secretary of a Committee, or an authorised person on their behalf, can upload documents. 

A meeting of a Committee does not appear on Sussex Direct. Why not?

At present, you can upload documents to Committees which are published in the Organisation of the University. If your Committee is published but the meeting does not appear on Sussex Direct, it may be because the date, time and venue have not been set up on the Committee database. Please contact the Governance office for further information.

The membership of a Committee on Sussex Direct is incorrect. What do I do?

It is for the Secretary to ensure the Committee information is up to date on Sussex Direct. The Governance Office can offer support and advise how to update groups on Sussex Direct.

How do I send an email to a Committee?

When a Committee is set up on the Committees database by the Governance office, an email alias is assigned to the Committee. If you don't know the email alias you should consult the instructions for email aliases. You should note that any email sent to an email alias will be sent to all those listed as connected with the Committee, i.e. this includes all those named as being in attendance although not formal members of the Committee.

The Terms of Reference or the Compostion of a Committee needs amendment. What do I do?

The Terms of Reference and Composition of University Committees are approved annually as part of the Organisation of the University document. Changes should  have the approval of the Committee or Group itself and the parent Committee. An officer of the Committee may make proposals on behalf of the Committee (which should be signed off by the Chair) and forwarded to the Governance office.

Where can I download the cover template for Committee papers?

Committees - cover template