
Understanding Earth

Module code: 003GR
Level 4
15 credits in spring semester
Teaching method: Laboratory, Practical, Lecture, Fieldwork, Workshop, Class
Assessment modes: Coursework, Take away paper

This module introduces the principles Earth science. It outlines the main geological processes and products associated with:

  • rocks and minerals
  • crustal deformation
  • geological time
  • continental evolution
  • geobiology
  • planets.

It also considers the application of Earth science to engineering and energy resources. Such understanding of the Earth is essential for considering the nature and management of materials and resources extracted from the Earth, and the impacts of geological processes on society.

This module provides a conceptual framework and practical knowledge for studying:

  • geomorphology
  • environmental change
  • environmental research skills
  • resource management
  • permafrost and geohazards.

Module learning outcomes

  • To understand the basic concepts and principles of Earth science.
  • To gain knowledge about common rocks, minerals, fossils and geological structures.
  • To analyse and interpret simple geological maps, boreholes and cross sections.
  • To understand the application of Earth science to engineering and natural resources.