Life Sciences

Molecular Neuropharmacology

Module code: C7128D
Level 6
15 credits in spring semester
Teaching method: Lecture
Assessment modes: Coursework, Computer based exam

In this module, you examine the actions of drugs at the molecular level. And you analyse the methods employed to study these interactions. These methods include molecular cloning, receptor binding and cell-based functional assays.

The focus of your studies is receptor binding theory and the effects of drugs on intracellular signalling pathways.

In the module, you study a variety of drug targets in detail, including examples of the G-Protein couple receptor (GPCR), ligand-gated ion channel, neurotransmitter transporter and enzyme facilities.

You use GPCRs to exemplify the effects of drugs on second messenger systems (e.g. cyclic AMP, inositol trisphosphate) and related signalling cascades - and the GABAA receptor is highlighted as a prototypic ligand-gated ion channel.

Module learning outcomes

  • Demonstrate an understanding of the principles of drug action (i.e., the concepts of agonism, antagonism, inverse agonism and allosteric modulation)
  • Understand the role of basic science in elucidating disease mechanisms and in the characterization and validation of drug targets.
  • Understand the drug discovery process, from the earliest stages of preclinical studies through clinical trials to FDA/MHRA approval.
  • Understand how drug discovery has progressed for specific diseases and appreciate the challenges that need to be overcome to improve treatment of diseases with an unmet medical need.