Accounting and Finance

Programming in Finance

Module code: N1633
Level 5
15 credits in autumn semester
Teaching method: Seminar, Lecture
Assessment modes: Coursework

This module provides students with a valuable understanding of the technical needs in the finance sector. To help students gain the programming skills so they are able to satisfy these needs in their future career, this module will first provide students with an introduction to the programming basics, then guide students to establish their coding logics and create blocks of codes for specific issues. Finally, the module aims to guide students to program to solve sophisticated, practical problems.

Module learning outcomes

  • Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the technical needs in the finance sector.
  • Understand the basic knowledge of programming for financial issues.
  • Demonstrate the ability of creating a technical library for general use in various practical scenarios
  • Critically evaluate the ability of programming to solve a practical issue in Finance.