
Honey bees

The honeybee is under threat
And little has been done just yet.
They're affected by a deadly mite,
The cure for which is not in sight.

They're losing habitat and forage,
With less wild flowers and bright blue borage.
This puts at risk, the flow of honey
And industry is losing money.

Then pollination of our crops
Is badly hit and sadly drops.
A beehive needs a good supply
Of food, or it will run quite dry.

With this real threat to their survival,
Research is on for their revival.
They hope to raise hygienic bees,
That keep the hives free of disease.

They'll try to decode 'waggle dances',
Which, apparently enhances,
Where bees forage for their nectar -
Buzzing off to the right sector!

They're looking for a hundred hives,
To study bees and save their lives.
'A beacon of hope', for all to see;
Will you help to save our honeybee?

Don Filliston. Summer 2010.