
Division of General Counsel, Governance and Compliance

Fraud, bribery and corruption

The University will uphold all laws relevant to countering bribery, fraud and corruption and has zero tolerance towards fraud, bribery and any form of dishonesty in its transactions. Wherever University staff or agents operate they must abide by the laws of the UK. 

At a practical level, fraud is deemed to be deliberate intent and not unintentional error. Fraud generally involves theft or misuse of cash or assets, false accounting or abuse of position. Examples within the University context include, but are not limited to:

  • Abuse of the expenses process and system
  • Use of the University logo and/or letterhead for personal financial gain
  • Abuse of the research grants, including misrepresentation and/or ‘siphoning’ of funds for personal gain
  • Abuse of procurement processes
  • Payroll fraud
  • Conflicts of Interest leading to financial gain

Bribes are inducements or rewards offered, promised or provided to gain commercial, contractual, regulatory or personal advantage of a financial nature or via improper performance of a function.  In the giving or receiving of gifts or hospitality, there must be no explicit or implicit attempt to influence third parties or be influenced by third parties in relations with the University.  Likewise, donations to the University must be compatible with the University’s objectives and strategic goals and will not compromise academic freedom or independence.

Where there is suspicion that fraud or corruption has occurred, or is about to occur, then it is essential that the appropriate person within the University is contacted immediately. Members of staff can use the University’s Raising Concerns Process or follow the route for students and members of Council.   

Students and members of Council (and staff if they prefer) should raise their concerns directly with the Director of Finance. If the suspected fraud or irregularity relates personally to the Director of Finance, then they should contact the University's Chief Operating Officer. If the suspected fraud or financial irregularity relates personally to the Director of Finance and the University's Chief Operating Officer, they should contact the Provost or Vice-Chancellor.

The full underpinning policies are: