
Photo of Claire AnnesleyClaire Annesley
Professor of Politics (Sussex European Institute)


  • How do women gain access to political office?

Annesley, Claire, Beckwith, K. and Franceschet, S. (2019) Cabinets, Ministers and Gender. New York: Oxford Unievrsity Press.

Franceschet, S., Annesley, C and Beckwith, K. (2017) ‘What do women symbolize? Symbolic representation and cabinet appointments’ Politics, Groups and Identities, 5 (3), 488-93.

Annesley, Claire   (2015)    Politics and Gender, 11 (04), 618-642.

Annesley, C. and Gains. F. (2012) ‘Cameron's “Problem” with Women: Representing Women in the Coalition Government’ Political Quarterly 83 (4), 18-26.

Annesley, C. and Gains, F. (2010)  Political Studies, 58 (5), 909-29 [free access].

BLOG: Annesley, C. (2018) How a ‘concrete floor’ could get more women into power, BBC News, 05 June. 

BLOG: Annesley, C.

BLOG: Annesley, C., Beckwith, K. and Franceschet, S. (2015)  PSA Women and Politics Blog

BLOG: Annesley, C. (2014) ? Democratic Audit blog

  • What are the determinants of gender equality policy?

Annesley, C. Engeli, I. and Gains, F. (2015) 'The profile of gender equality issue attention in Western Europe' European Journal of Political Research via openview DOI: 10.1111/1475-6765.12095

Annesley, C. Engeli, I., Gains, F. and Resodihardjo, S. (2014) ‘Policy Advocacy in Hard Times: the impact of economic Performance on gendering executive attention’ West European Politics 37 (5), 886-902.

Annesley, C. and Gains, F. (2013) ‘Investigating the Economic Determinants of the UK Gender Equality Policy Agenda’ British Journal of Politics and International Relations 15 (1), 125-46.

Annesley, C. (2010) ‘Gender, Politics and Policy Change: The case of welfare reform under New Labour’ Government and Opposition, 45 (1), 50–72.

BLOG: Annesley, C. and Gains, F. (2015)

BLOG: Annesley, C and Gains, F. (2012) LSE British Politics and Policy blog

  • What is the impact of austerity on gender equality?

Sanders, A., Annesley, C. and Gains, F. (2019) ‘What did the Coalition Government do ‘for’ Women? An analysis of gender equality policy agendas in the UK 2010-15’ British Politics. 

Annesley, C. and Scheele, A. (2011) ‘Gender, Capitalism and Economic Crisis: Impact and Responses across Europe’ Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 19 (3), 335-47.

Annesley, C. (2012) ‘Campaigning Against the Cuts - Gender Equality Movements in Tough Times’ Political Quarterly 83 (1), 19-23.