Forms to include with your application
This page contains links to some of the various forms that need to be completed and uploaded to your ethics application.
Most research requires a Participant Information Sheet and Consent Form/Verbal Consent Form, which should be uploaded to your ethics application in Sussex Direct.
The Participant Information Sheet tells your participants what your research involves, who to contact in case they have any issues, and how you will look after the information they give you.
The Consent Form allows a participant to opt in to all or aspects of your research and provides you with a document that shows they have agreed to participating.
The Verbal Consent form will provide you with specific statements on your research that can be read out to participants to which they can then provide their consent verbally.
Templates are provided for these documents with different information relating to which school you are part of. You should use these forms as the basis for creating your own, providing you keep to the headers and format shown.
If you are conducting research using the University's approved anonymous survey system, Qualtrics, then you should complete a Participant Information Sheet and submit this with your application, as this can then be copied and pasted into the front of your survey. As your Qualtrics survey will be anonymous, you should state to participants that they consent to you using their data by submitting the survey and that you cannot remove their data once submitted.
Research that involves travel or fieldwork overseas requires an Overseas Travel Safety and Security Risk Assessment form to be completed and signed by your Head of School. Due to the COVID-19 situation there may be restrictions in place regarding overseas travel and fieldwork overseas so you MUST check the University Health and Safety webpages for the current the position.
Students who return to their home countries to conduct online research are not required to complete an OTSSRA form as part of their application, but should state clearly that this is the case in their ethics application. If students are currently in or returning to their homecountry to conduct offline fieldwork should complete the OTSSRA form and submit this with their ethics application.
- Science and Technology Cross-Schools Research Ethics Commitee Forms
Participant Information Sheet
- Participant Information Sheet Template - University template
- Combined Participant Information and Consent Template – adapted by the School of Psychology - University template
- Guidance on completing a Participant Information Sheet
Consent Forms
- Social Sciences and Arts Cross-Schools Research Ethics Commitee Forms
Participant Information Sheet Templates
- Participant Information Sheet Template - SS Arts
- Guidance on completing a Participant Information Sheet
Consent Form Templates
- Consent Form Template - SS Arts
- Verbal Consent Form Template
- Surveys and Questionnaires Consent Form
- Interviews Consent Template
- Focus Groups Consent Template
If you are considering using a survey or questionnaire to collect data from participants, this document states what information should be included with your ethics application (SS Arts Only)
Media Release Forms (for use by the Media Arts and Humanities School)
- Overseas Travel Safety and Security Risk Assessment Form (OTSSRA)