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Senior Doctoral Training Coordinator - Doctoral Student Finance
Kath provides operational support for the delivery of externally-funded postgraduate research training programmes, including Centres for Doctoral Training and Doctoral Training Partnerships.
Alexander Aghajanian
Senior Researcher Development Co-ordinator
Alex coordinates training and career development activities for PGRs and ECRs, and oversees Researcher Development communications, inductions and the annual training audit.
Senior Researcher Development Co-ordinator
Alex coordinates training and career development activities for PGRs and ECRs, and oversees Researcher Development communications, inductions and the annual training audit.
Nile Amos
Business Partnerships Manager
Business Partnerships Manager
Esther Asieduaa Ansah
Research Development and Initiatives Officer
Back to topResearch Development and Initiatives Officer
Miles Bagnall
Commercial Contracts Manager
Commercial Contracts Manager

Research Systems Consultant
Oscar provides administration of the systems related to research & knowledge exchange with a specific focus on the Research Management System (RMS).

Research Development Manager
Sue Baxter
Director of Innovation and Business Partnerships
Director of Innovation and Business Partnerships
Lucy Bell
Research Development Manager
Research Development Manager

DISCnet Centre for Doctoral Training
Susanne manages the DISCnet Centre for Doctoral Training, a consortium of three member universities funded by the STFC, training a new generation of post-graduate data intensive scientists.

Research Development Manager

Research Development Manager
Bente is responsible for supporting the external funding strategy (Research & Consultancy) of the School of Law, Politics and Sociology (Wed-Fri).
Benjamin Botting
Assistant Research Development Co-ordtor
Assistant Research Development Co-ordtor

Research Development Manager
Zoe Boylan
JCRO Senior Manager
JCRO Senior Manager

PGR Scholarships Manager
Amanda supports Sussex bids for external PGR funding and the delivery of our Doctoral Training Partnerships and Centres.
Susanna Broom
Head of the Sussex Researcher School
Susanna heads up the Sussex Researcher School, providing professional services leadership on postgraduate and early career researcher provision and support.
Head of the Sussex Researcher School
Susanna heads up the Sussex Researcher School, providing professional services leadership on postgraduate and early career researcher provision and support.

Jra Training Facilitator
Nick Bull
Business Partnerships Manager
Business Partnerships Manager
Ellie Bunker
Senior Research Ethics and Integrity Officer
Back to topSenior Research Ethics and Integrity Officer
Stephanie Chang
Assistant Research Contracts Business Partner
Assistant Research Contracts Business Partner

Head of Research Information, Quality and Impact
Mark heads up the team with responsibility for providing data and information about our research, the systems in use across the Division and the research quality & impact function in RES.
Neil Clarke
Research Development Manager
Research Development Manager
Shona Clements
Information Coordinator
Shona coordinates all emerging researcher communications, including the PGR Connections and Sussex Researcher newsletters and other promotional content.
Information Coordinator
Shona coordinates all emerging researcher communications, including the PGR Connections and Sussex Researcher newsletters and other promotional content.
Carol Cooley
Senior Research Ethics and Integrity Officer
Senior Research Ethics and Integrity Officer

Research Intelligence Advisor
Hayley supports researchers, professional services staff & institutional groups, to track, analyse and understand how their research outputs are received within the sector and in society more broadly.
Frankii Cosby
Senior Research Development Officer
Senior Research Development Officer
Debbie Coton
Research Manager
Research Manager
Holly Cowlan
Senior Research Development Officer
Senior Research Development Officer
Lorena Croitoru
Senior Research Information & Systems Manager
Lorena manages the part of the team responsible for the provision of research information and for the administration of systems required for the management of research & knowledge exchange activities.
Senior Research Information & Systems Manager
Lorena manages the part of the team responsible for the provision of research information and for the administration of systems required for the management of research & knowledge exchange activities.
Hannah Cunningham
Research Management Information Analyst
Hannah provides research information reporting, analysis and support, both on an ad-hoc basis and aligned to the strategic objectives for the Division.
Research Management Information Analyst
Hannah provides research information reporting, analysis and support, both on an ad-hoc basis and aligned to the strategic objectives for the Division.
Samyra Cury Salek
Knowledge Exchange Programme Manager
Knowledge Exchange Programme Manager
Helen Cutts
Senior Research Finance Officer
Back to topSenior Research Finance Officer

External Stakeholder Engagement Adviser
Nora is responsible for co-managing the University鈥檚 ESRC IAA fund, focusing on facilitating and developing external partnerships.

Senior Research Quality and Impact Manager
Dom manages the University鈥檚 strategic development, assurance and showcasing of the quality and impact of its research, especially by managing preparations for the Research Excellence Framework (REF).
Denise Forbes
Senior Research and Commercial ContractsManager
Senior Research and Commercial ContractsManager
Jemma Forman
Senior Research Ethics and Integrity Officer
Senior Research Ethics and Integrity Officer
Debbie Foy
Senior Research Initiatives Manager
Manages a suite of internal research development funding initiatives and co-ordinates the University's portfolio of Research Centres.
Senior Research Initiatives Manager
Manages a suite of internal research development funding initiatives and co-ordinates the University's portfolio of Research Centres.

Research Development Manager
Mimi Goddard
Mimi is the first point of contact for all general enquiries to the Sussex Researcher School and provides administrative support for the team, including the Junior Research Associate Scheme.
Mimi is the first point of contact for all general enquiries to the Sussex Researcher School and provides administrative support for the team, including the Junior Research Associate Scheme.
Caroline Gordon
Head of Research Ethics integrity & Governance
Head of Research Ethics integrity & Governance
Virginia Govoni
Head of the Joint Clinical Research Office
Head of the Joint Clinical Research Office
Paul Grant
Senior Research Finance Officer
Paul is responsible for the financial administration of grants in English, Education & Social Work, Global Studies, History Art Hist & Phil, Law Politics & Sociology and Media Film & Music.
Back to topSenior Research Finance Officer
Paul is responsible for the financial administration of grants in English, Education & Social Work, Global Studies, History Art Hist & Phil, Law Politics & Sociology and Media Film & Music.

Senior Research Development Manager
Administrator for the Reseach Development Team.
Lorna Hards
Senior Research Culture Consultant
Senior Research Culture Consultant

Research Ethics, Integrity and Governance Senior Manager

Senior CHASE DTP Co-ordinator
Clare is the first point of contact for all general enquiries to the CHASE consortium and coordinates the communications and administrative systems that ensure CHASE runs smoothly.
Zydrune Jasiunaite
Researcher Development Co-ordinator
Zydrune supports training and career development for PGRs and ECRs, and promotes community-building for PGRs through activities like the Researcher-Led Initiatives Fund and Thesis Boot Camp.
Researcher Development Co-ordinator
Zydrune supports training and career development for PGRs and ECRs, and promotes community-building for PGRs through activities like the Researcher-Led Initiatives Fund and Thesis Boot Camp.
Shelley Jenkins
Research Development Manager
Research Development Manager
Joe Jones
CHASE VLE Administrator
Back to topCHASE VLE Administrator

Senior International Governance Officer

Research Management Subject Matter Expert
Tina is seconded to the RMS Project, working to procure and implement a Research Management System for the University.
Chris Machell
Research Impact Manager
Research Impact Manager

Head of Research Development andInitiatives
Sarah is responsible for developing grant applications in the School of Life Sciences.
Jo McKinney-Green
Consultancy Services Manager
Consultancy Services Manager

Research Development Manager
Ayla Mir
Assistant Programme Manager
Ayla coordinates provision of the SRS Enabling Plan and monitors UoS鈥檚 HR Excellence in Research commitments.
Assistant Programme Manager
Ayla coordinates provision of the SRS Enabling Plan and monitors UoS鈥檚 HR Excellence in Research commitments.
Jess Moore
Senior Research Finance Officer
Jess is responsible for the financial administration of grants in the Business School.
Senior Research Finance Officer
Jess is responsible for the financial administration of grants in the Business School.
James Morland
Research Impact Manager
James is the main contact for Business, ESW, EngInf, LPS, and MAH, supporting impact activities, and working to enhance the impact case study portfolio for the next REF.
Research Impact Manager
James is the main contact for Business, ESW, EngInf, LPS, and MAH, supporting impact activities, and working to enhance the impact case study portfolio for the next REF.
Jamie Murphy
Tarisai Muzenda
Senior Research Finance Officer
Back to topSenior Research Finance Officer

Research Development Manager

Dean of Sussex Researcher School
Chipo Nyandoro-Kunzvi
Senior Research Finance Manager
Back to topSenior Research Finance Manager

Intellectual Property Business Partner
Responsible for applying for and maintaining patents.
Abigail Oyewo
IP and Commercialisation Manager
Back to topIP and Commercialisation Manager
Neil Pearson
Research Finance Manager
Neil, Senior Research Finance Administrator, is responsible for the financial administration of grants in BSMS
Research Finance Manager
Neil, Senior Research Finance Administrator, is responsible for the financial administration of grants in BSMS
Yolanda Pena-Oliver
Research Development Manager
Research Development Manager

Senior Knowledge Transfer Partnership Of
Claire Potter
Director of Research and Innovation Services
Director of Research and Innovation Services

Fergal Raftery
Research Development Manager
Research Development Manager
Yusra Rasul
Assistant Research Contracts Business Partner
Assistant Research Contracts Business Partner

Senior Research Accountant Business Partner
Research & Enterprise Team Manager - Research Finance (grant post award and financial administration).
Elizabeth Renvoize
Research Development Manager
Research Development Manager
Christine Rhodes
Assistant to the Director and Divisional Administrator
Assistant to the Director and Divisional Administrator
Alastair Ryciak
Senior Research Finance Officer
Back to topSenior Research Finance Officer
Alice Sambrook-Ricards
Senior Research Culture Officer
Senior Research Culture Officer
Alice Saryazdi
Research Ethics, Integrity and Governance Manager
Research Ethics, Integrity and Governance Manager

Intellectual Property Co-Ordinator
Anna is responsible for the administration of the Contracts and I.P. Team.
Amber Sheppard
Senior Research Finance Officer
Amber supports the CHASE Doctoral Training Partnership. Sussex is the lead university in the CHASE consortium and Amber distributes the grants to the eight partner institutions and Sussex students.
Senior Research Finance Officer
Amber supports the CHASE Doctoral Training Partnership. Sussex is the lead university in the CHASE consortium and Amber distributes the grants to the eight partner institutions and Sussex students.
Ian Sinclair
Research Development and Initiatives Officer
Research Development and Initiatives Officer
Adam Smith
Research Finance & Contracts Officer
Research Finance & Contracts Officer
Liz Spruin
Training Development Consultant
Training Development Consultant
Katy Stoddard
Researcher Development Manager
Katy manages the Researcher Development team, overseeing training and career development activities, community-building and support for postgraduate and early career researchers.
Researcher Development Manager
Katy manages the Researcher Development team, overseeing training and career development activities, community-building and support for postgraduate and early career researchers.
Daniel Sweet
Research Development Manager
Back to topResearch Development Manager
Madeleine Talbot
Senior Coordinator
Madeleine is responsible for all administrative support across the team, including managing the Junior Research Associate Scheme and supporting the Sussex Researcher School governance structure.
Senior Coordinator
Madeleine is responsible for all administrative support across the team, including managing the Junior Research Associate Scheme and supporting the Sussex Researcher School governance structure.

Deputy Head of Business Engagement, Innovation and Business Partnerships Team
Anne-Fay Townsend
Business Partnerships Manager Social Sciences
Business Partnerships Manager Social Sciences
Shin-Yu Tseng
Researcher Development Co-ordinator
Shin-Yu supports training and career development for PGRs and ECRs, and promotes community-building for ECRs through activities like the Seed Fund and Symposium.
Researcher Development Co-ordinator
Shin-Yu supports training and career development for PGRs and ECRs, and promotes community-building for ECRs through activities like the Seed Fund and Symposium.
Sorina Tudor
Senior Research Finance Officer
Sorina is responsible for the financial administration of grants in MPS.
Senior Research Finance Officer
Sorina is responsible for the financial administration of grants in MPS.
Millie Tynan-Feighery
Assistant Research Finance Officer
Back to topAssistant Research Finance Officer

CHASE DTP Training & Partnerships Manager
Desiree Villahermosa Caballero
Senior Research Development Manager
Back to topSenior Research Development Manager

Divisional Administrator & PA to the Director
Gill is PA to the Director and administrator to the Division.
Kay Watts
Senior Research Finance Officer
Kay is responsible for the financial administration of grants in Engineering & Informatics.
Senior Research Finance Officer
Kay is responsible for the financial administration of grants in Engineering & Informatics.
Chris White
Research Finance Manager
Chris supports the financial administration of grants in Life Sciences (except Genome).
Research Finance Manager
Chris supports the financial administration of grants in Life Sciences (except Genome).
Jen Whitehead
Research Quality & Impact Manager
Jen supports preparations for the Research Excellence Framework, with a particular focus on the Contribution to Knowledge & Understanding and People, Culture & Environment areas of the exercise.
Research Quality & Impact Manager
Jen supports preparations for the Research Excellence Framework, with a particular focus on the Contribution to Knowledge & Understanding and People, Culture & Environment areas of the exercise.

Senior Manager (PGR Training Partnerships)
Rob manages the CHASE Doctoral Training Partnership, which is funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council to support doctoral research across a consortium of eight member institutions.
Thomas Wolfenden
Senior Knowledge Exchange Initiatives Manager
Senior Knowledge Exchange Initiatives Manager
Leo Wood
CHASE DTP Administrator
Leo supports the CHASE Doctoral Training Partnership, helping to organise and publicise training events and placements.
CHASE DTP Administrator
Leo supports the CHASE Doctoral Training Partnership, helping to organise and publicise training events and placements.
Liane Wrigg
Senior Research Finance Officer
Liane is responsible for the financial administration of grants in Psychology and Genome Centre.
Senior Research Finance Officer
Liane is responsible for the financial administration of grants in Psychology and Genome Centre.
Louise Wrigley
Head of Research Finance & Contracts
Head of Research Finance & Contracts
Nat Wyeth
Senior Research Finance Officer (PGR)
Nat is responsible for the financial operations of the externally funded postgraduate researcher studentships.
Back to topSenior Research Finance Officer (PGR)
Nat is responsible for the financial operations of the externally funded postgraduate researcher studentships.
Nana Yankah
Programme Consultant
Programme Consultant